Week 4 (9 Feb) - Your Unconquerable Spirit
"Whenever a human being is mentally not with his/her own energy and inner flow, that person is disconnected from the third chakra of Infinite energy. Whenever you mentally lean on any outside energy, you are disconnected from your third chakra."- Yogi Bhajan
Solar Plexus - Third Chakra, the inner Sun, where the warrior self is born and cultivated. This space can be strengthen by exercise as well as by meditation.
To maintain the Joy keep practicing Kundalini Yoga and Meditation for the solar energy. This will help you move past any block and negative patterns and habits.
I find that the most important thing in our life and inevitably the yoga practice it the observation. To achieve it humble yourself and in The Humility you will learn who the DOER is.
Blackheath Quakers Meeting House Lawn TerraceBlackheathLondon SE3 9LL, UK
Thursday night 18:00 - 19:15
19:30 - 22:00